[01/14][英文發音][零之使魔 第1部][第1集][AVI]
[01/14][英文發音][零之使魔 第1部][第1集][AVI]
愛班漫畫社 发布于 2009-01-14 01:45

介紹 英文發音 零之使魔 01 + 線上預覽

這是HINET線上1分鐘預覽 ^_^



這是部非常非常好看又有趣動畫 ^_^ 請大家千萬不要錯過

裡面的對話內容都是非常簡單的單字 很容易懂的啦

千萬不要看到英文就害怕了呢! 本人發怖此資源不是為了要讓大家學習英文而用



並且希望你們會喜歡 ^_^




動畫名稱 : 零之使魔 第1部

動畫集數 : 第1集

動畫格式 : AVI

動畫大小 : 175MB

動畫語音 : 英文發音

動畫字幕 : 無

動畫介紹 :



      Format : AVI
      Format/Info : Audio Video Interleave
      Format/Family : RIFF
      File size : 175 MiB
      PlayTime : 23mn 39s
      Bit rate : 1024 Kbps
      StreamSize : 2.63 MiB
      Writing library : Boilsoft Joiner build 2411/release
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      Codec : XviD
      Codec/Family : MPEG-4
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      Codec settings/Matrix : Default
      PlayTime : 23mn 39s
      Bit rate : 890 Kbps
      Width : 640 pixels
      Height : 360 pixels
      Display Aspect ratio : 16/9
      Frame rate : 29.970 fps
      Resolution : 8 bits
      Chroma : 4:2:0
      Interlacement : Progressive
      Bits/(Pixel*Frame) : 0.128
      StreamSize : 151 MiB
   Audio #1
      Codec : MPEG-1 Audio layer 3
      Codec profile : Joint stereo
      PlayTime : 23mn 39s
      Bit rate : 126 Kbps
      Bit rate mode : CBR
      Channel(s) : 2 channels
      Sampling rate : 44 KHz
      Resolution : 16 bits
      StreamSize : 21.3 MiB
      Writing library : Lame 3.97



[零之使魔第1集的一些單字整理跟翻譯 by Animax2006]

嗯 這是我覺得第一集對一般人比較難的單字
也可以很順利的享受英文版的樂趣~ ^0^


01 貴族(階層) : Nobility

n. (名詞 noun)[U]
貴族(階層)[the S][G]
The new rich aped the nobility.
He followed his principles with nobility.

–noun, plural -ties. 1. the noble class or the body of nobles in a country.
2. (in Britain) the peerage.
3. the state or quality of being noble.
4. nobleness of mind, character, or spirit; exalted moral excellence.
5. grandeur or magnificence.
6. noble birth or rank.



n. (名詞 noun)
(總稱)貴族[the S][G]
The highest-ranking members of the Spanish aristocracy are the grandees.
特權階級;上層社會[the S][G]
an aristocracy of scientists

–noun, plural -cies. 1. a class of persons holding exceptional rank and privileges, esp. the hereditary nobility.
2. a government or state ruled by an aristocracy, elite, or privileged upper class.
3. government by those considered to be the best or most able people in the state.
4. a governing body composed of those considered to be the best or most able people in the state.
5. any class or group considered to be superior, as through education, ability, wealth, or social prestige.


03  Tristein Magic Academy : Tristein 魔法學院

* Academy :

名詞 ( pl. academies )
an academy of music 音樂學院
the Royal Academy of Arts 皇家藝術學會

–noun, plural -mies. 1. a secondary or high school, esp. a private one.
2. a school or college for special instruction or training in a subject: a military academy. 
3. an association or institution for the advancement of art, literature, or science: the National Academy of Arts and Letters. 
4. a group of authorities and leaders in a field of scholarship, art, etc., who are often permitted to dictate standards, prescribe methods, and criticize new ideas.
5. the Academy, a. the Platonic school of philosophy or its adherents.
b. academe (def. 3). 
c. French Academy. 
d. Royal Academy.

04  alchemy : 鍊金術

名詞 ( pl. alchemies )

–noun, plural -mies for 2. 1. a form of chemistry and speculative philosophy practiced in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance and concerned principally with discovering methods for transmuting

baser metals into gold and with finding a universal solvent and an elixir of life.
2. any magical power or process of transmuting a common substance, usually of little value, into a substance of great value.


05 Explosion :

名詞 ( pl. explosions )
There was a terrible explosion at the chemical plant. 那家化工廠發生了一起可怕的爆炸事故。
a population explosion 人口劇增
We heard an explosion of loud laughter. 我們聽到一陣大笑。

–noun 1. an act or instance of exploding; a violent expansion or bursting with noise, as of gunpowder or a boiler (opposed to implosion ).
2. the noise itself: The loud explosion woke them. 
3. a violent outburst, as of laughter or anger.
4. a sudden, rapid, or great increase: a population explosion. 
5. the burning of the mixture of fuel and air in an internal-combustion engine.
6. Phonetics. 


06 Familiar :

形容詞 ( more familiar; most familiar )
Your face seems familiar. 你看上去很面熟。
I am of course familiar with your work. 我當然熟悉你的工作。
She wrote in a familiar style. 她用親切的筆調寫作。

名詞 ( pl. familiars )
(傳說中供女巫等使喚的)妖精 **

–adjective 1. commonly or generally known or seen: a familiar sight. 
2. well-acquainted; thoroughly conversant: to be familiar with a subject. 
3. informal; easygoing; unceremonious; unconstrained: to write in a familiar style. 
4. closely intimate or personal: a familiar friend; to be on familiar terms. 
5. unduly intimate; too personal; taking liberties; presuming: The duchess disliked familiar servants. 
6. domesticated; tame.
7. of or pertaining to a family or household.

–noun 8. a familiar friend or associate.
9. Witchcraft and Demonology. a. an animal, as a cat, that embodies a supernatural spirit and aids a witch in performing magic.
b. familiar spirit. 
10. Roman Catholic Church. a. an officer of the Inquisition, employed to arrest accused or suspected persons.
b. a person who belongs to the household of the pope or of a bishop, rendering domestic though not menial service.

07 ROYAL FAMILY : 皇族 / 皇室家族 / 王族 / 王室家族


The royal family consists of the king and queen and their relations. 王族家庭由國王,王后以及他們的親屬組成。
We were treated to a royal feast. 我們被招待享用豪華宴席。
The boss is being in royal spirits right now. 此刻,老板情緒極好。
名詞 ( pl. royals )
The royals will go to the concert this evening. 今晚王室成員將出席音樂會。
【主英】王裁(印刷紙 20 × 25 吋,書寫紙 9 × 24 吋)

–adjective 1. of or pertaining to a king, queen, or other sovereign: royal power; a royal palace. 
2. descended from or related to a king or line of kings: a royal prince. 
3. noting or having the rank of a king or queen.
4. established or chartered by or existing under the patronage of a sovereign: a royal society. 
5. (initial capital letter) serving or subject to a king, queen, or other sovereign.
6. proceeding from or performed by a sovereign: a royal warrant. 
7. appropriate to or befitting a sovereign; magnificent; stately: royal splendor. 
8. (usually initial capital letter) British. in the service of the monarch or of the Commonwealth: Royal Marines; Royal Air Force. 
9. fine; excellent: in royal spirits. 
10. Informal. extreme or persistent; unmitigated: a royal nuisance; a royal pain. 
–noun 11. Nautical. a sail set on a royal mast. 
12. Informal. a royal person; member of the royalty.
13. Usually, royals. Chiefly British. a member of England's royal family.
14. a size of printing paper, 20 × 25 in. (51 × 64 cm).
15. a size of writing paper, 19 × 24 in. (48 × 61 cm).
16. Numismatics. any of various former coins, as the real or ryal.


08 ignore : 無視

及物動詞 ( ignored; ignored; ignoring )
His letters were ignored. 他的信無人理會。
Even the best of men ignored that simple rule. 甚至最優秀的人也忽略了那條簡單的規則。

–verb (used with object), -nored, -nor⋅ing. 1. to refrain from noticing or recognizing: to ignore insulting remarks. 
2. Law. (of a grand jury) to reject (a bill of indictment), as on the grounds of insufficient evidence.


09 laundry :
名詞 ( pl. laundries )
Send it to the laundry. Don't dry clean it. 把它送到洗衣店去吧,別乾洗。
Has the laundry come back yet? 送洗的衣服送回來了嗎?

–noun, plural -dries. 1. articles of clothing, linens, etc., that have been or are to be washed.
2. a business establishment where clothes, linens, etc., are laundered.
3. a room or area, as in a home or apartment building, reserved for doing the family wash.

10 silence :

名詞 ( pl. silences )
The silence was broken by a loud cry. 寧靜被一聲喊叫所打破。
Jane first broke the silence. 珍首先打破沈默。
I can't understand his silence on such an important matter. 我真不懂他對如此重要的事情竟閉口不談。
She dropped me a line after a long silence. 隔了很長一段時間她才給我寫了一封短信。
及物動詞 ( silenced; silenced; silencing )
The teacher tried to silence the pupils. 老師設法讓學生們安靜下來。
It's no use silencing opposition. 壓制反對意見是無濟於事的。
The machine gun was silenced. 機槍被打啞了。

–noun 1. absence of any sound or noise; stillness.
2. the state or fact of being silent; muteness.
3. absence or omission of mention, comment, or expressed concern: the conspicuous silence of our newspapers on local graft. 
4. the state of being forgotten; oblivion: in the news again after years of silence. 
5. concealment; secrecy.
–verb (used with object) 6. to put or bring to silence; still.
7. to put (doubts, fears, etc.) to rest; quiet.
8. Military. to still (enemy guns), as by more effective fire.
–interjection 9. be silent! “Silence!” the teacher shouted.

11 summon :

及物動詞 ( summoned; summoned; summoning )
He was summoned to appear in court as a witness. 他被傳喚出庭作證。
He came downstairs and summoned her to his study. 他下樓將她叫到書房去。
They had to summon a second conference and change the previous decision. 他們不得不召集第二次會議,改變以前的決定。
He summoned up his courage and proposed to her. 他鼓起勇氣向她求婚。

tr.v.   sum·moned, sum·mon·ing, sum·mons

To call together; convene.
To request to appear; send for. See Synonyms at call.
Law To order to appear in court by the issuance of a summons.
To order to take a specified action; bid: summon the captain to surrender.
To call forth; evoke: "He summoned up a smile, though it seemed to take all his strength" (Colin Turnbull).

12 realizes :

v.   re·al·ized, re·al·iz·ing, re·al·iz·es

v.   tr.

To comprehend completely or correctly.
To bring into reality; make real: He finally realized his lifelong ambition to learn how to play the violin.
To make realistic: a film that realizes court life of the 17th century.
To obtain or achieve, as gain or profit: She realized a substantial return on the investment.
To bring in (a sum) as profit by sale.
v.   intr.
To exchange holdings or goods for money

及物動詞 ( realized; realized; realizing )
I realized what he meant. 我明白了他的意思。
Does he realize his mistake yet? 他意識到他的錯誤了嗎?
Her wish to become a movie star was finally realized. 她當電影明星的願望終於實現了。
不及物動詞 ( realized; realized; realizing )

~_~ 就先這樣吧 我有點討厭在電腦前面坐太久~




Cristina Valenzuela as Louise

Jonathan Meza as Saito Hiraga

Bobby Thong as Styx

Jennifer Alyx as Tabitha

Lauren Landa as Kirche

Nicholas Manelick as Guiche

Xanthe Huynh as Siesta

Bobby Thong as Siesta's father (ep 13)

Brian Breth as Ward

Jennifer Alyx as Katie

Jonathan Koontz as Wales Tudor (Ep. 11)

Kaiji Tang as

Marianne Miller as

Michelle Ann Dunphy as Jessica

Patrick Aghajanian as
Scarron (ep. 6)