愛班漫畫社 发布于 2009-01-15 02:42


第2集HINET~ 1分鐘線上收看



 動畫名稱 : 零之使魔 第一部

動畫集數 : 02集

動畫語音 : 英文

動畫字幕 : 無

動畫格式 : AVI

其它資訊 : 看下方


第2集 心得感想發言討論區->



      Format : AVI
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      File size : 168 MiB
      PlayTime : 23mn 39s
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      PlayTime : 23mn 39s
      Bit rate : 852 Kbps
      Width : 640 pixels
      Height : 360 pixels
      Display Aspect ratio : 16/9
      Frame rate : 29.970 fps
      Resolution : 8 bits
      Chroma : 4:2:0
      Interlacement : Progressive
      Bits/(Pixel*Frame) : 0.122
      StreamSize : 144 MiB
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      Codec : MPEG-1 Audio layer 3
      Codec profile : Joint stereo
      PlayTime : 23mn 39s
      Bit rate : 126 Kbps
      Bit rate mode : CBR
      Channel(s) : 2 channels
      Sampling rate : 44 KHz
      Resolution : 16 bits
      Video0 delay : 8ms
      StreamSize : 21.3 MiB
      Writing library : Lame



[零之使魔第2集的一些單字整理跟翻譯 by Animax2006]

    進入第2集摟 以下為一些基礎的單字我覺得你們是應該要知道的,
所以我將它們整理跟翻譯出來,希望能夠對大家有點幫助~ ^0^


01   chain :

n. (名詞 noun)[C]
The dog was fastened to a post by a chain.
The traffic accident led to a chain of events.
連鎖店,聯號(chain store)
vt. (及物動詞 transitive verb)
He chained his dog to a post.


A connected, flexible series of links, typically of metal, used especially for holding objects together or restraining or for transmitting mechanical power.
Such a set of links, often of precious metal and with pendants attached, worn as an ornament or symbol of office.
Bonds, fetters, or shackles.
Captivity or oppression; bondage: threw off the chains of slavery.
An instrument used in surveying, consisting of 100 linked pieces of iron or steel and measuring 66 feet (20.1 meters). Also called Gunter's chain.
A similar instrument used in engineering, measuring 100 feet (30.5 meters).
Abbr. ch A unit of measurement equal to the length of either of these instruments.
A restraining or confining agent or force.
Bonds, fetters, or shackles.
Captivity or oppression; bondage: threw off the chains of slavery.
An instrument used in surveying, consisting of 100 linked pieces of iron or steel and measuring 66 feet (20.1 meters). Also called Gunter's chain.
A similar instrument used in engineering, measuring 100 feet (30.5 meters).
Abbr. ch A unit of measurement equal to the length of either of these instruments.
A series of closely linked or connected things: a chain of coincidences. See Synonyms at series.
A number of establishments, such as stores, theaters, or hotels, under common ownership or management.
A range of mountains.
Chemistry A group of atoms bonded in a spatial configuration like links in a chain.

An instrument used in surveying, consisting of 100 linked pieces of iron or steel and measuring 66 feet (20.1 meters). Also called Gunter's chain.
A similar instrument used in engineering, measuring 100 feet (30.5 meters).
Abbr. ch A unit of measurement equal to the length of either of these instruments.
tr.v.   chained, chain·ing, chains

To bind or make fast with a chain or chains: chained the dog to a tree.
To restrain or confine as if with chains: workers who were chained to a life of dull routine.

02 contracts :

名詞 ( pl. contracts )
I was then under contract to a bus company. 那時候我按合同為一家公車公司工作。

及物動詞 ( contracted; contracted; contracting )
The two businesses contracted a merger. 兩家商行簽約合併了。
I contracted a cold. 我得了感冒。
不及物動詞 ( contracted; contracted; contracting )
We contracted with a Japanese firm for the purchase of electronic instruments. 我們與一家日本公司簽約購買電子儀器。
Metals contract in cold weather. 金屬在寒冷的天氣裡收縮。

–noun 1. an agreement between two or more parties for the doing or not doing of something specified.
2. an agreement enforceable by law.
3. the written form of such an agreement.
4. the division of law dealing with contracts.
5. Also called contract bridge. a variety of bridge in which the side that wins the bid can earn toward game only that number of tricks named in the contract, additional points being credited above the

line. Compare auction bridge.
6. (in auction or contract bridge) a. a commitment by the declarer and his or her partner to take six tricks plus the number specified by the final bid made.
b. the final bid itself.
c. the number of tricks so specified, plus six.
7. the formal agreement of marriage; betrothal.
8. Slang. an arrangement for a hired assassin to kill a specific person.
–adjective 9. under contract; governed or arranged by special contract: a contract carrier. 
–verb (used with object) 10. to draw together or into smaller compass; draw the parts of together: to contract a muscle. 
11. to wrinkle: to contract the brows. 
12. to shorten (a word, phrase, etc.) by combining or omitting some of its elements: Contracting “do not” yields “don't.” 
13. to get or acquire, as by exposure to something contagious: to contract a disease. 
14. to incur, as a liability or obligation: to contract a debt. 
15. to settle or establish by agreement: to contract an alliance. 
16. to assign (a job, work, project, etc.) by contract: The publisher contracted the artwork. 
17. to enter into an agreement with: to contract a free-lancer to do the work. 
18. to enter into (friendship, acquaintance, etc.).
19. to betroth.
–verb (used without object) 20. to become drawn together or reduced in compass; become smaller; shrink: The pupils of his eyes contracted in the light. 
21. to enter into an agreement: to contract for snow removal. 
—Verb phrase22. contract out, to hire an outside contractor to produce or do.
—Idiom23. put out a contract on, Slang. to hire or attempt to hire an assassin to kill (someone): The mob put out a contract on the informer. 

03 underwear :

She had removed her underwear. 她脫掉了內衣。

–noun clothing worn next to the skin under outer clothes.

Also called underclothes, underclothing.

04 threaten :

及物動詞 ( threatened; threatened; threatening )
He threatened to call the police. 他威脅著要叫警察。
Dark skies threatened rain. 天空發黑預示要下雨。
不及物動詞 ( threatened; threatened; threatening )
I don't mean to threaten. 我沒有威脅的意思。

v.   threat·ened, threat·en·ing, threat·ens

v.   tr.

To express a threat against.
To be a source of danger to; menace.
To give signs or warning of; portend.
To announce the possibility of in a threat.
v.   intr.

To express or use threats.
To indicate danger or harm.
threat'en·er n., threat'en·ing·ly adv.

05 starve :

不及物動詞 ( starved; starved; starving )
The explorers starved to death in the desert. 探險者們在沙漠中餓死了。
Let's get something to eat; I'm starving. 我們吃點東西吧;我餓壞了。
The plants are starving for water. 這些植物極需要水。
及物動詞 ( starved; starved; starving )
They starved the enemy into submission. 他們切斷敵軍糧援而迫其投降。
She's starving herself trying to lose weight. 她用節食療法試圖減肥

verb, starved, starv⋅ing.
–verb (used without object) 1. to die or perish from lack of food or nourishment.
2. to be in the process of perishing or suffering severely from hunger.
3. to suffer from extreme poverty and need.
4. to feel a strong need or desire: The child was starving for affection. 
5. Chiefly British Dialect. to perish or suffer extremely from cold.
6. Obsolete. to die.
–verb (used with object) 7. to cause to starve; kill, weaken, or reduce by lack of food.
8. to subdue, or force to some condition or action, by hunger: to starve a besieged garrison into a surrender. 
9. to cause to suffer for lack of something needed or craved.
10. Chiefly British Dialect. to cause to perish, or to suffer extremely, from cold.

06 eventually :

The government eventually collapsed in 1970. 該政府終於在一九七○年倒臺了。
He fell ill and eventually died. 他得了病,最後去世了。

–adverb finally; ultimately; at some later time: Eventually we will own the house free and clear. 

07 noble :

形容詞 ( nobler; noblest )
His friend is a man of noble mind. 他的朋友是個思想高尚的人。
Washington memorial is a noble monument. 華盛頓紀念碑是很宏偉的。
It was said that he was from a noble family. 據說他出身於貴族家庭。
Helium is a noble gas. 氦氣是鈍氣。
名詞 ( pl. nobles )

adjective 1. distinguished by rank or title.
2. pertaining to persons so distinguished.
3. of, belonging to, or constituting a hereditary class that has special social or political status in a country or state; of or pertaining to the aristocracy.
4. of an exalted moral or mental character or excellence; lofty: a noble thought. 
5. admirable in dignity of conception, manner of expression, execution, or composition: a noble poem. 
6. very impressive or imposing in appearance; stately; magnificent: a noble monument. 
7. of an admirably high quality; notably superior; excellent.
8. famous; illustrious; renowned.
9. Chemistry. inert; chemically inactive.
10. Falconry. (of a hawk) having excellent qualities or abilities.
–noun 11. a person of noble birth or rank; nobleman or noblewoman.
12. a former gold coin of England, first issued in 1346 by Edward III, equal to half a mark or 6s. 8d., replaced in 1464 under Edward IV by the rose noble.
13. (in Britain) a peer.

08  Instead:

He is too busy, let me go instead. 他太忙了,讓我去吧。

Instead of disturbing her, the news had a strangely calming effect. 這消息非但沒有令她不安,反而產生了一種奇怪的鎮定效果。
He didn't give John the money, but he gave it to me instead. 他沒把錢給約翰,卻給了我。

–adverb 1. as a substitute or replacement; in the place or stead of someone or something: We ordered tea but were served coffee instead. 
2. in preference; as a preferred or accepted alternative: The city has its pleasures, but she wished instead for the quiet of country life. 
—Idiom3. instead of, in place of; in lieu of: You can use milk instead of cream in this recipe.

09 Piss off :

 piss off, Slang. a. to anger.
b. to go away; leave (often used imperatively).

10 acquaint :

vt. (及物動詞 transitive verb)[(+with)]
Philip became acquainted with Kathy.
I acquainted him with the facts of the case.

–verb (used with object) 1. to make more or less familiar, aware, or conversant (usually fol. by with): to acquaint the mayor with our plan. 
2. to furnish with knowledge; inform (usually fol. by with): to acquaint the manager with one's findings. 
3. to bring into social contact; introduce (usually fol. by with): She acquainted her roommate with my cousin. 

11  commoner :


–noun 1. a common person, as distinguished from one with rank, status, etc.
2. British. a. any person ranking below a peer; a person without a title of nobility.
b. a member of the House of Commons.
c. (at Oxford and some other universities) a student who pays for his or her commons and other expenses and is not supported by any scholarship or foundation.
3. a person who has a joint right in common land.

12 interrupt :

及物動詞 ( interrupted; interrupted; interrupting )
I don't want to interrupt you. Go on with your story. 我不想打斷你。請把你的故事講下去。
The war interrupted the trade between the two countries. 戰爭使兩國間的貿易中斷了。
不及物動詞 ( interrupted; interrupted; interrupting )
Go on. I don't want to interrupt. 說下去,我不想打斷你說話。

–verb (used with object) 1. to cause or make a break in the continuity or uniformity of (a course, process, condition, etc.).
2. to break off or cause to cease, as in the middle of something: He interrupted his work to answer the bell. 
3. to stop (a person) in the midst of doing or saying something, esp. by an interjected remark: May I interrupt you to comment on your last remark? 
–verb (used without object) 4. to cause a break or discontinuance; interfere with action or speech, esp. by interjecting a remark: Please don't interrupt. 
–noun 5. Computers. a hardware signal that breaks the flow of program execution and transfers control to a predetermined storage location so that another procedure can be followed or a new

operation carried out.

13 charm :

–noun 1. a power of pleasing or attracting, as through personality or beauty: charm of manner; the charm of a mountain lake. 
2. a trait or feature imparting this power.
3. charms, attractiveness. 
4. a trinket to be worn on a bracelet, necklace, etc.
5. something worn or carried on one's person for its supposed magical effect; amulet.
6. any action supposed to have magical power.
7. the chanting or recitation of a magic verse or formula.
8. a verse or formula credited with magical power.
9. Physics. a quantum number assigned the value +1 for one kind of quark, −1 for its antiquark, and 0 for all other quarks. Symbol: C Compare charmed quark.
–verb (used with object) 10. to delight or please greatly by beauty, attractiveness, etc.; enchant: She charmed us with her grace. 
11. to act upon (someone or something) with or as with a compelling or magical force: to charm a bird from a tree. 
12. to endow with or protect by supernatural powers.
13. to gain or influence through personal charm: He charmed a raise out of his boss. 
–verb (used without object) 14. to be fascinating or pleasing.
15. to use charms.
16. to act as a charm.

The girl's warm personality is her greatest charm. 那女孩熱情的個性是她最迷人之處。
The charm is believed to bring good luck. 大家相信這個小飾物會帶來好運。
及物動詞 ( charmed; charmed; charming )
The boys were charmed by the sailor's adventure. 孩子們被那個水手的冒險經歷迷住了。
不及物動詞 ( charmed; charmed; charming )

14 against :

–preposition 1. in opposition to; contrary to; adverse or hostile to: twenty votes against ten; against reason. 
2. in resistance to or defense from: protection against burglars. 
3. in an opposite direction to: to ride against the wind. 
4. into contact or collision with; toward; upon: The rain beat against the window. 
5. in contact with: to lean against the wall. 
6. in preparation for; in provision for: money saved against a rainy day. 
7. having as background: a design of flowers against a dark wall. 
8. in exchange for; as a balance to or debit or charge on: He asked for an advance against his salary. 
9. in competition with: a racehorse running against his own record time. 
10. in comparison or contrast with: a matter of reason as against emotion. 
11. beside; near; before: The car is against the building. 
–conjunction 12. Archaic. before; by the time that.
—Idiom13. over against, in contrast with: the rich over against the poor. 

The fight against inflation has been going on for almost two years. 抑制通貨膨脹的抗鬥已展開近兩年了。
They sounded a sharp warning against all these tendencies. 對於這種種傾向,他們發出了嚴厲的警告。
His desk is against the wall. 他的辦公桌靠牆放著。
The little red house looks so beautiful against the green woods. 那座紅色的小屋在翠綠的森林襯托下顯得很美。
We bought some warm clothes against the coming winter. 我們添置了一些禦寒的衣服以迎接即將來臨的冬季。
She has said nothing against you. 她並沒有說任何對你不利的話。
He checked the contents of the box against the bill. 他對照貨單檢查了箱子裡裝的東西。

15  imply :

–verb (used with object), -plied, -ply⋅ing. 1. to indicate or suggest without being explicitly stated: His words implied a lack of faith. 
2. (of words) to signify or mean.
3. to involve as a necessary circumstance: Speech implies a speaker. 
4. Obsolete. to enfold

及物動詞 ( implied; implied; implying )
Her silence implied consent. 她的沈默意味著同意。
Rights imply duties. 權利必然包含義務。

16 Duel :

noun, verb, -eled, -el⋅ing or (especially British) -elled, -el⋅ling.
–noun 1. a prearranged combat between two persons, fought with deadly weapons according to an accepted code of procedure, esp. to settle a private quarrel.
2. any contest between two persons or parties.
–verb (used with object), verb (used without object) 3. to fight in a duel.

名詞 ( pl. duels )
They both decided that the matter be settled by a duel. 他倆決定以決鬥來解決這件事。
They were locked in a verbal duel. 他們在進行舌戰。
不及物動詞 ( dueled, duelled; dueled, duelled; dueling, duelling )

17 instructor :

1. a person who instructs; teacher.
2. a teacher in a college or university who ranks below an assistant professor.

名詞 ( pl. instructors )
Her husband is an archery instructor. 她丈夫是射箭教練。
The English instructor was very patient. 這位英語講師很耐心。

18 Despite :

preposition, noun, verb, -spit⋅ed, -spit⋅ing.
–preposition 1. in spite of; notwithstanding.
–noun 2. contemptuous treatment; insult.
3. malice, hatred, or spite.
–verb (used with object) 4. Obsolete. to anger or annoy (someone) out of spite.
—Idiom5. in despite of, in spite of; notwithstanding: He was tolerant in despite of his background and education. 

He went to work despite his illness. 儘管生病,他還是去工作。
Despite advanced years, she is learning to drive. 儘管年事已高,她還在學開車。

=_= ok 就先挑出這幾個單字吧 不知道會不會太簡單了 ..(逃)